Ensuring your content is relevant and keyword rich is an effective method to "impress" the search engines. By impress, I mean that the majority of search engines value optimized content with keyword-laden text. However, if you have too much keyword density, Google and others can consider this spam, and may penalize your site.
Write the main text on your car dealer website using the same keywords contained in your title tag. If you are working on the main page os a site whose focus is "Used Subaru MA" then be sure that those important keywords and its derivatives are repeated at least two or three times in the main body of your text, without sounding repetitive. A well-designed and carefully written page will 'read write' and will not sound like you are repeating yourself.
Search engines will rank your page higher if they see a keyword repeated a few times on a page, and will help them "build a theme" throughout your site. However, don't go 'overboard' on this, because if you increase your keyword density too much, some search engines might think you are trying to cause spam. Generally speaking the keyword density should be around 3 to 7 percent of the entire webpage content anything less is not enough, and anything more is dangerous.
The various search engines, including Google, Yahoo, and Bing Search consider keyword density as part of their search algorithm. Each search engine has a different mathematical equation regarding the density of keywords that is rewarded with higher search ranking placement. There is also a different level of tolerance between the different search engines as to the degree of density permitted before a penalty is imposed.
As an Internet Sales Manager for for a dealership you should incorporate these strategies when developing content for your primary site. A great way to dominate Google Page One for a particular keyword while feeding relevant links to your primary site is by implementing a microsite strategy. The microsites we create have HIGH Page Rank which ensures your primary site is fed a considerable amount of link juice while at the same time ranking high for an important keyword in your PMA. This is by far the most effective Automotive Internet Marketing strategy available.
I suggest your dealership take advantage of the affordable microsite strategy we have to offer. If you would like case studies emailed to you send me a quick note elvis@claramark.com Google+