Over the weekend the first Google ‘Toolbar’ PageRank update of 2010 occurred which left some car dealers quite happy, some a bit bewildered and did not affect many. Internet Sales Managers should all be reminded that ‘Toolbar’ PageRank is different than Google PageRank because the PageRank displayed in the toolbar is not 100% reflective of the way Google judges the value of a website. A site without PageRank can still rank well in the Google index. A Site with a PageRank 2 can outrank a PageRank 7. Sometimes, Google will take the PageRank away, but that will not result in your site ranking reduced traffic.
It is well understood that PageRank is important in determing Google SERPS according to many webmasters and publishers and although it’s just a “little green bar” … I’d like to know ..
How did the 2010 Google PageRank Update affect your Automotive Websites?
If you require an analysis to review any change in ranking of your dealership website due to this recent update, please do not hesitate to contact me.