Finding non-linking citations

Dealers have an abundance of opportunities to find "non-linking" citations, that is to say websites that are referencing your dealership in any way but fail to provide a link to your homepage.

In many cases you will find many automotive websites with high Pagerank that make this endeavor all the more worthwhile. Even non-automotive authority websites will benefit your cause tremendously. Bottom line, these are very valuable links to attain if you know how to find them.

Finding them..

Again, non-linking citations are mentions of a your brand, web address or products that do not link back to your site. They’re generally fairly easy places to go and ask for links.

To find non-linking citations, use the following Google searches:

Find domain name listings that don’t link:

"" -inanchor:*

Just replace mysite with the site in question.

To find brand mentions that don’t link:

“BRAND NAME” -inanchor:*

Just replace BRAND NAME with the brand.

To find profiles that don’t contain links:

“mysite” intitle:”profile”

Just replace ‘mysite’ with the profile name. Then check to see if there’s a link. If there isn’t one, add it!

Then, you have to contact each webmaster, one at a time, and ask them if they can turn that citation into a link.

I've been preaching quality link building to dealer websites for years. This SEO strategy is a potential gold mine. Use it.